think carefully about your next move. This choice, like many things you don't realize change a lot more for you than you ever thought they would. Luckily, I am giving you this heads up.
some may be too easily led astray by sensation of sleepiness possesing your meager, mortal body. If this is you, please feel free to opt out now by clicking this link.without further a due.. a do?? (i do) decide on an answer to the question.
The real answer lay somewhere we are all too weary to venture. I must warn you though, dear reader, that once you make the journey, you shall be so smitten with it's boundless glory that you will resort to living the rest of your life alone, the locals will liken you to a cloistered monk, but really, you will be a prisoner in your own body unable to articulate what you have witnessed.
if that is all, this is the end.